Clockwise offers a young savers account for under 18’s to encourage young people to plan, save and manage their money independently.

Benefits of becoming a young saver:

  • Learn how to save and manage money
  • Friends and family can contribute to savings
  • Save for specific items
  • Build a ‘nest egg’
  • Receive interest on savings


  • This is a new form of tax free savings account for children that was launched on 1 November 2011 to replace Child Trust Funds. Unlike the Child Trust Fund there are no contributions made from the government. The accounts operate in similar way to an adult ISA.

    About the Clockwise Junior ISA

    • Start your Junior ISA with as little as £1 for members of Clockwise
    • A great annual tax-free rate of 1.00% calculated daily
    • Make unlimited deposits up to £4,080
    • When you open your Junior ISA you will gain access to our fun and interactive online account page where family members can donate to the account
    • Applications accepted online only
    • Maximum of one account holder per account

    The important key facts

    • All UK resident children under the age of 18 who do not have a Child Trust Fund are eligible for Junior ISA’s
    • Under current rules, children with an existing Child Trust Fund account are not permitted to open a Junior ISA and they also cannot switch their Child Trust Fund to a Junior ISA
    • Any income or gains will be free from tax
    • Generally, both cash and stocks and shares Junior ISA’s will be available, but Clockwise only offers the cash JISA, though we can refer you to a suitable stocks and shares JISA from another provider. Children can hold up to one cash and one stocks and shares Junior ISA at a time (two accounts in total)
    • There is overarching contribution limit of £9,000 per year
    • Accounts are owned by the child and funds will be locked in until the child turns 18. Children have the right to manage their accounts from age 16.
    • Junior ISA accounts will by default become adult ISAs on maturity.
    • There will be no government contributions or matched payments into accounts.
    • There will be no stakeholder Junior ISA account.

    To learn more about the Terms and Conditions of Junior ISAs, we could do no better than the Money Saving Expert’s advice.



Clockwise currently offers an interest rate of 1.0%.

Clockwise offers a savings deposit based trust fund safe from the fluctuations and risk associated with stake holder stock market invested funds. In addition we do not charge a management fee and by investing in Clockwise you will be supporting your local community.

Contact us for more information on  transferring an existing Child Trust Fund to clockwise.

Top-up an existing Clockwise fund

If you have an existing Clockwise Child Trust Fund then you can top-up by depositing up to £1,200 in each subscription year. The subscription year runs from your child’s birthday to the day before their next birthday. Payments can be made by cheque, bank transfer or regular standing order. Contact us for more information.


For any questions or to set up an account for your child please contact us



0330 17 55 792

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