This is a new form of tax free savings account for children that was launched on 1 November 2011 to replace Child Trust Funds. Unlike the Child Trust Fund there are no contributions made from the government. The accounts operate in similar way to an adult ISA.
To learn more about the Terms and Conditions of Junior ISAs, we could do no better than the Money Saving Expert’s advice.
Read our Terms and Conditions
Clockwise offers a savings deposit based trust fund safe from the fluctuations and risk associated with stake holder stock market invested funds. In addition we do not charge a management fee and by investing in Clockwise you will be supporting your local community.
Contact us for more information on transferring an existing Child Trust Fund to clockwise.
If you have an existing Clockwise Child Trust Fund then you can top-up by depositing up to £1,200 in each subscription year. The subscription year runs from your child’s birthday to the day before their next birthday. Payments can be made by cheque, bank transfer or regular standing order. Contact us for more information.
Clockwise Credit Union Limited, Reg. No. FRN213498 is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Clockwise is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the Financial Ombudsman Service and ABCUL. Registered office: 1 St Nicholas Place, Leicester, LE1 5LB. Clockwise Credit Union Ltd is registered in England No. IP00280C
The Clockwise Credit Union Visa debit card is issued by PayrNet Limited, trading as “Railsr” (Company Number: 14698459), with its registered address at Montacute Yards, Shoreditch High Street, London, E1 6HU. Railsr is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution under registration number 900594. This information is provided for regulatory and transparency purposes and does not constitute financial advice. Clockwise safeguards any funds received from end users in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. Payrnet provides settlement services to the card scheme and does not hold or safeguard funds for this purpose.
© Clockwise Credit Union Ltd 2016-
ADDRESS: 1 St Nicholas Place, Leicester, LE1 5LB.
TEL: 0330 17 55 792
Twinned with Castlebar Credit Union in Ireland.