Stay up to date with instant notifications when a payment is sent or received on any of your Clockwise accounts. Whether it’s payday, your Universal Credit, family or a friend paying you back or money leaving your account – you’re always in the loop
We will also tell you if a payment fails or you’ve received a new message from our member services team.
How it works
Install the Clockwise app on your iPhone or Android phone and when prompted opt in to receive payment alerts. We will then send you instant notifications when there is activity on your accounts.
We have included a handy snooze option if you want to avoid being disturbed overnight. You can turn notifications on or off at any time by selecting My Alerts from the More tab.

A few things to bear in mind:
- To receive notifications, you will need to have data enabled or be connected to Wi-Fi.
- We won’t use notifications for marketing messages, but you may occasionally receive important service updates.