When you save or borrow with Clockwise your money is invested back into the community. Clockwise operates a Community Grant Scheme that awards local groups and individuals grants for a whole range of items that ultimately benefit the community the group/individual works to serve.
In March of 2023, Clockwise awarded £500 to Cruse Bereavement Support, the UK’s leading bereavement charity.
Cruses support is delivered by a network of Bereavement Volunteers, who have undertaken professional training to help bereaved people navigate complex feelings associated with loss, develop coping strategies, resilience and learn to identify new support networks, helping bereaved people move towards a more positive future with happy and healthy memories of the person who has died.
The support they provide ranges from remote support and face-to-face, group and 1:1 support and all their services are free for local bereaved people.
The £500 from Clockwise will fund their project to provide 1:2:1 bereavement support to 3 bereaved individuals in the local community.
Dawne from Cruse said
The requests for our services has never been greater and the need to ensure all bereaved people have access to the support they need, at the time they need us is vital. Your donation will enable us to support more bereaved people locally.
Dawne came down to the Clockwise offices at St.Nicholas Place to be awarded the donation and learn more about the Credit Union movement. We were amazed by the work the Cruse Bereavement Support do and we’re proud to be able to support them with a Community Grant.