When you save or borrow with Clockwise your money is invested back into the community. Clockwise operates a Community Grant Scheme that awards local groups and individuals grants for a whole range of items that ultimately benefit the community the group and individual works to serve.

Clockwise was able to offer £250 to the Belgrave Community Garden Project who are a volunteer led community garden, running weekly sessions. They are on a mission to bring more nature into the city. By creating a hub for nature on the patch of land near our vegetable patch they hope to increase biodiversity and also a place where the community can enjoy, relax and engage with nature.
A spokesperson from the project said:
“The grant will help us create a nature habitat garden, introduce a frog pond, plant up pond plants and fragrant flowers to attract pollinators to increase biodiversity in our area. Much of the local community don’t have garden, so come to the local park and our patch to enjoy the outside space. Many have never grown their own vegetables and flowers. They have started to get involved and want to learn more. This grant will give us the opportunity to help our community relax and engage with nature.
Thank you Clockwise for presenting us with the cheque for our Garden project today. This will help us with the next stage in developing our wildlife garden.
I was good to learn about all the financial services that Clockwise has to offer, I look forward to inviting you along to promote these services to our library customers.
We hope you will have time to see the garden volunteers again, to check out the progress we will have made in the new year with the funding that you’ve kindly supported us with.”