Clockwise awards Community Grant to local foodbacks

When you save or borrow with Clockwise your money is invested back into the community. Clockwise operates a Community Grant Scheme that awards local groups and individuals grants for a whole range of items that ultimately benefit the community the group/individual works to serve.

This Christmas, Clockwise has decided to award £250 to 5 local foodbanks to help those most affected by the cost of living crisis.

Hope Grey, from Open Hands Trust said

“Thank you so much for identifying Open Hands as somewhere that could benefit from your support. As with all food banks at the moment we are receiving an increasing number of families accessing our services for support. On Tuesday we provided 74 families with up to a weeks worth of food – feeding 213 people in total. It’s the busiest morning we’ve had in the history of our work.”

Among the local foodbanks offered grants were Jubilee Foodbank, Coventry Foodbank & Open Hands Food Store

To apply the group will need to send us a letter outlining what they do in the community, what they need the funds for and the difference this would make to the local community. We may ask for further details following your application.

If you would like to apply, please write to Teresa Manning, CEO Clockwise Credit Union, 1 St. Nicholas Place, Leicester LE1 5LB. providing as much information as possible.

We usually respond to applications within 1 month.

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