Community Grant given to Christ Church in Brownsover, Rugby

Reverend Peter Bone (far left) and treasurer Brian Clare (centre).

Clockwise was able to give a Community Grant of £250 to Christ Church in Brownsover, Rugby.

The Church run a meal club twice a week and feed between 30 and 60 local families who otherwise would be struggling.

In addition to regular church services, they run community programmes such as Men’s Breakfast, ESOL classes and a lunch club with board games and a chance to win at Bingo. Many of the activities started as a result of social isolation brought on by the Covid pandemic.

The grant will help finance projects to provide free meals to families in the local community whose children receive free school meals, helping them financially and building a sense of community.

The grant will also be used to support the “Warm Hub” project which supports young families who are struggling with high energy bills over the winter period.

When you save or borrow with Clockwise your money is invested back into the community. Clockwise operates a Community Grant Scheme that awards local groups and individuals grants for a whole range of items that ultimately benefit the community the group and individual works to serve.

Under the scheme, any community group or individual in need of funds can apply in writing to us for a grant. To apply, the group or individual should be based in Leicester, Leicestershire, Rutland, Northamptonshire, Coventry or Warwickshire. This can be for a whole range of items; for example, a small piece of equipment for a group such as food banks, community schemes aimed at under-represented groups, scouts/guides or a youth club or a laptop for a low income student. See below for examples of groups we have supported.

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